What IS this podcast

all about?

Discover the path to empowerment and transformation with Dimple’s life changing podcast ! If you’ve ever felt like an imposter, struggled with insecurities, or battled your inner critic, then this podcast is for you. Let go of self-doubt and step into your full power. Through insightful discussions real life examples, dimple takes you on a deep dive into the complexities of the imposter syndrome and demystifies the simple steps that lead you to differentiate between your ego and your true self. Whether you’re facing adversity now or have overcome life’s curveballs in the past, this podcast will guide you towards reclaiming ownership of your health and finding your fulfilling significance. It’s time to take charge of your life and embrace your greatness.

Tune in NOW to embark on this empowering journey.

Every week one lucky listener that subscribes and posts a review on iTunes will win an entry into the $15,000 Value Grand Prize Drawing for a Private VIP Day with Dimple Bindra herself.

Think of this as a six month coaching package fit into one power packed day: I promise you to blow your mind & be there right with you when you have an actual breakthrough, I know that’s a strong claim, but I’m gonna back it up!

Meet Your Host

Dimple Bindra

A yogi reincarnate, nationally certified Yoga & Meditation Therapist, Medical Intuitive, Co Founder & CEO of InstaVital


about anything

If you have have a question for Dimple, speak your question for her here in your own voice and she will answer you personally. No question is off limits and Dimple can't wait to hear from you!